Wurman 創立「資訊架構」一詞時,並沒有給出明確定義,但卻描繪出資訊架構師的工作與任務,可以視為界定資訊架構師專業工作的目的與內涵:
信息建筑师的工作任务:(1)组织数据中的固有模式,化复杂为明晰; (2)创建信息结构或地图,令他人找到其通向知识的个人路径;(3)信息建筑师是即将到来的21世纪的专业化职业,代表着该时代对清晰、人类理解、信息组织科学的集中需求。(荣毅虹、梁战平(2003)p.229-30)
Wurman 在 IA Summit 10 的keynote中,表示資訊架構師的使命在於傳播、溝通與促進理解,而非只是規劃網站與介面 1)
What my rant was about is what information architecture, not to me, this is a generalized statement. It is about understanding. It starts with understanding, and ends with understanding. What are we doing this for? It is for understanding. We want to make something understandable to another human being, to ourselves. That is my ploy. I don’t care about you. I want to make it understandable to myself. I want to have an interest. Something I don’t understand, I want to make it understandable.
I did a book which had the plans of 50 cities in the world all to the same scale. Wasn’t that information architecture? I think so. It was a systemic way of understanding information.
There were no computers then, by the way. There was no wire frames. There was no web pages. There was none of those things. That doesn’t make information architecture.
What makes an information architect is an attitude. A desire, a passion to communicate systemically with rules and systems, and transfer information to another human being.
使信息可视和可理解、帮助人们更加成功地找到和管理信息。 2)
然而數個定義的努力(Rosenfeld & Morville, 2002, 4;Information Architecture Institute, 2005; Wodtke et al., 2001),到了最後都同時包含了數個不同面向。:”
The one thing that the information architecture community seems to agree on when it comes to defining information architecture is that they cannot agree on a definition (Reiss, 2000, 2; Morville, 2002). Richard Saul Wurman is usually acknowledged as the person who coined the term information architecture in 1975 (Morrogh, 2003). Since the late 1990s, information architects have been engaged in a lively debate on an appropriate definition. However, despite the disagreement, many of the attempts to define the area include one or several of the following three ideas (taken from Rosenfeld & Morville, 2002, 4; but see also Information Architecture Institute, 2005; Wodtke et al., 2001)
表1 IA描述概览
项目 | 内容 |
IA的主要活动 | 信息的组织、结构的构建、系统的设计 |
IA活动的主体 | 信息建筑师 |
IA活动的客体 | 数据、信息(信息空间)、内容、结构、系统 |
IA服务的对象 | 用户(信息需求者) |
IA的目的 | 使信息可视和可理解、帮助人们更加成功地找到和管理信息 |
IA方法 | 一种多学科方法、艺术和科学 |
Second-tier conference-holding organizations include ASIS&T (American Society for Information Science and Technology), ACHI (Advances in Computer-Human Interactions), FOWD (Future of Web Design), and Web Directions.
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