The iceberg hypothesis revisited / Lancho-Barrantes, Guerrero-Bote & Moya-Anegón(2010)
Citation - Lancho-Barrantes, B., Guerrero-Bote, V., & Moya-Anegón, F. (2010). The iceberg hypothesis revisited. Scientometrics, 85(2), 443-461.
Keyword -
Scopus 資料庫中 JIF 分布狀況的研究。並與ISI-1997的研究作比較。 所有的特定研究主題領域的JIF分佈,都與ISI-1997研究一樣,符合負對數法則(negative logarithmic law),集中在少數重要期刊上;並未如 Egghe 所預測的,呈現 S形分佈。但Scopus-2006 的分佈趨勢線降得更陡且有更長的尾部:就像是冰山一樣。
For each journal, we calculated
- the number of citable papers (Articles, Reviews, and Conference Papers published in 2003, 2004, or 2005),
- the total number of citations received (made in 2006 to papers published in 2003, 2004, or 2005),
- the number of subcitations (citations from journals of the same specific subject area) received (made in 2006 to papers published in 2003, 2004, or 2005),
- the number of references (made in 2006 to papers published in 2003, 2004, or 2005).
These data were used to calculate the following indices:
- 知識輸出率 Knowledge Export Ratio (%) (Wormell 1998) (%export):
- 知識匯入率 Knowledge Import Ratio (%) (%import):
- 內部期刊影響指數 Internal Journal Impact Factor: similar to the JIF, but only taking into account the citations from that same Specific Subject Area (Subcitations).
- 外部期刊影響指數 External Journal Impact Factor: similar to the JIF, but only taking into account the citations not from that same Specific Subject Area.
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