ATLAS.ti 5.0 教學
May 16, 2007 | 陳啟亮 | 師大圖資所
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- Introduce ATLAS.ti data model and workflow
- Start a qualitative research project: HU & PD
- Develop concepts: Coding & Memo
- Organizing concepts: Family, Network view, and Query Tool
- Writing: Output
ATLAS.ti Data Model
- 詮釋單位 / HU
- 原始文件 / PD (Primary Document)
- 引用段落 / Quote
- 編碼 / Code
- 筆記 / Memo
- 家族 / Family
- 網路圖 / Network view
- 關係 / Code-Code-Relation | Hyperlink
ATLAS.ti workflow
HU: 詮釋單元
- ATLAS.ti –> 研究專案管理
- 相同的原始文件可以由不同的HU管理 (多重詮釋)
- 不同的HU可以事後合併 (多人協同)
PD: 原始文件
- 原始文件:所分析的資料,文本,觀察筆記等
- 媒體類型|Media types
- Text: TXT, RTF, DOC, HTML.
- Image: BMP, TIF, JPG.
- Multimedia:
- Audio: WAV, MP3, WMA, SND, etc.
- Video: AVI, MPG, WMV, MOV, etc.
PD 管理
- 匯入原始文件|Assign PD
- 編輯原始文件內容|Edit PD content (only TXT, RTF)
- 原始文件管理員|PD Manager
[Demo] HU, PD
[in test.hpr5]
- Create new HU [01]
- Assign a PD [02]
- Introduce PD interface [03]
- Line number, margin area
- Open PD manager [04]
- 面對豐富的現象|Fruitful phenomena
- 尋找段落意義|Quote: Meaningful discussion
- 標記概念|Code: Surrogate of concept
Quote, Code
- 建立自由段落|Create a free Quote
- 譯碼|Coding
- 開放譯碼|Open coding
- 由清單譯碼|Coding by list
- 見實譯碼|Coding in vivo
- 拖曳|Coding by Drag and Drop
Code Manage: 編碼管理員
- 紮根度–密度|grounded-density
- 管理功能|Functions:
- 更名|Rename Code
- 刪除關係|Unlink Code from Quote
- 刪除編碼|Delete Code
- 合併|Merge Code
- 分割|Split Code
- … etc.
[Demo] Coding
[in test.hpr5]
- Create a free quote [05]
- Open coding [06]
- Code by list [07]
- Code in vivo [08]
- Code by code manager [09]
- Modify quote boundary [10]
- Quote merge [11]
- Coding by drag and drop [12]
Coding (cont.)
- 自由譯碼|Create a free code
- 超編碼|Create a super code (see Query Tool)
- 網路圖|Coding by Network view (see Network view)
- 自動譯碼|Auto Coding
[Demo] Coding II
- Create free code (by network view)
- Auto coding [13]
Memo: 筆記
- 筆記類型|3 types of memo
- 評論筆記|Commentary
- 方法筆記|Method
- 理論筆記|Theory
- 可以自己增加筆記類型|You can add more types
Make a memo
- 自由筆記|Free Memo
- 段落筆記|Memo to Quotes
- 編碼筆記|Memo to Codes
- 筆記筆記|Memo to Memos
- 將筆記轉為原始文件|Use Memo as PD
[Demo] Memo
- Create free Memo [14]
- Attach Memo to Quote [15]
- Use as PD [16]
Organizing: 組織概念
- 家族的歸類分析|by Family
- 網路的情境分析|by Network view
- 透過檢索發展與檢驗理論假設|by Query
- 超編碼|Super code
- 超家族|Super family
Families: 家族
- PD Family
- Code Family
- Memo Family
Code Family: 編碼家族
- 編碼家族|Code-Family relationship
- 以編碼管理員建立|by Code Manager
- 歸入家族|Assign a Code Family
- 建立新家族|Create a new Family
- 以家族管理員建立管理|by Code Family Manager
- 以網路圖管理建立管理|by Network view (NV)
[Demo] Family
- Assign and Create new family in code manager [17]
- Assign codes to family [18]
- Manager family in Code family manager [19]
Network view: 網路圖
- 概念圖|Define: Concept maps
- 節點|Node
- 語義/ 邏輯關係|Semantic/logic relation: code-code relation
- 預設七種關係|7 default relations
- <is a> relation is most important one.
Create NV: 建立網路圖
- 關係編輯器|Network view as relation editor
- 建立網路圖|Create NV by:
- 網路圖管理員|Network View Manager
- 編碼|Code
- 段落|Quote
- 筆記|Memo
- 原始文件|PD
[Demo] NV
- Open a NV
- by Code [20]
- by NV Manager [21]
- Import code / family / memo [22]
- Create relation [23]
- by Quote (in low density quotes) [24]
- by Quote (in high density quotes) [25]
- Neighbor / co-occurrence [26]
Query Tool: 探尋工具
- 系統性地找出特定概念脈絡下的紮根段落| To find quotes in special conceptual context systematically
- 編碼探尋工具|Code Query tool
- 布林探尋|Boolean Query
- 語義探尋|Semantic Query
- 相鄰探尋|Proximity Query
- 由探尋建立超編碼|Create Super code by Query
[Demo] Query Tool
- Open Query Tool [27]
- Query by Boolean [28]
- Query by Semantic [29]
- Query by Proximity [30]
Other organizing tools
- 編碼樹|Code tree
- 編碼林|Code forest
- 物件瀏覽|Object Explorer
- 共現瀏覽|Co-occurrence Explorer
- 物件搜尋|Object Crawler
- 字頻統計|Word Cruncher
- 重複編碼段落分析|Code analyzer
Output: 輸出
- 輸出原始文件相關資料|PD output
- 輸出段落相關資料|Quote output
- 輸出編碼相關資料|Code output
- 輸出筆記相關資料|Memo output
- 輸出網路圖相關資料|Network view output
[Demo] Output
- Output from code manager [31]
- Select code, and output to text editor [32]
- Select super code, and output to text editor [33]
Any Questions?
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