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  • RDFWeb 2000-2
    • hacker project of Libby Miller, Dan Brickley and our friends from the RDF Interest Group, W3C, RSS and XML tech scene.
    • Used RDFS and DAML+OIL to document our work, … as a means not an end.
    • Early themes: PGP, digital signature and trust, crawlers, linking, photo annotation.

how is got big

  • Libby Miller’s Java/Squish RDF query tools
  • Edd Dumbill (of wrote a nice article on IBM
  • Leigh Dodds created foaf-a-matic script, Ian Davis (amongst other things) our logo
  • RDF IG community built some early apps
  • By 2003, Ecademy and TypePad exports
  • In 2004, LiveJournal, Tribe, FOAFNet, ..

與其說是仔細規劃的產物,不如說是 XML技客間的充滿了技術性幽默的人際關係網路應用。

後繼 XFM