Citation - Turner, G., & Tay, J. (2009). Introdcution. In G. Turner & J. Tay (Eds.), Television studies after tv: understanding television in the post-broadcast era (pp. 1-6): Routledge.
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受惠於 Spigel & Olsson 編的選集 “Television After TV”(2004)。編者區分television vs TV的概念,為了強調出電視媒體如何改造自身。 家中的電視觀眾,從客廳,分散到餐廚房、臥室、書房,走上街頭,進入電腦與手機中。為了回應這樣的轉變有了新的市場:新的播放平台、新的內容製作、閱聽、互動技術。(P.2)
在新的資訊技術、行動與網際網路媒體挑戰之下,「為什麼現在還有電視?(Green 2008)」,問這個問題有正當性,因為電視已經不再有以往的地位:最主要的大眾傳播媒體。
> How is this still television? What makes these questions especially legitimate is that in some situations now television has begun to lose a fundamental component of its earlier character: once the prime medium of mass communication, it can now also be discussed (as it is by Hartley & by Marshall in this volume) as a highly personal medium of individualized, privatized consumption. (P.2)
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