Citation - Kaptelinin, V. (1996). Activity theory: implications for human-computer interaction. Context and consciousness: Activity theory and human-computer interaction, 103-116.
Keyword - Activity theory, HCI
Kaptelinin, V. (1996). Activity theory: implications for human-computer interaction. Context and consciousness: Activity theory and human-computer interaction, 103-116.
90年代起,由於對以往以認知心理學實驗研究典範的不滿,許多新的研究採用人類學這類自然探究取向的研究方法。 此時,人機互動研究缺乏確定的理論與研究典範,在各方尋找適當理論時,Bødker 引介了 (1989, 1991)活動理論。
認知心理學的限制與問題:最重要的一個是生態學效度(Neisser 1976)。
(note: 原則可以視為一些假定,亦即運用理論解釋現象時,同時必須接受這些假定內容。假定的內涵可能變動,但理論本質也隨之變動。活動理論的發展過程中,假定也不斷修改增減。可以說,研究者在應用活動理論時,反思性的對理論進行改用(adopt)。)
1. 意識與活動的統一
the unity of consciousness and activity
2. 對象性 [所有活動都有其作用的對象,包含物理與心智上的]
3. 活動的階層架構 (Leont’ev)
the hierarchical structure of activity
Activities are oriented to motives, that is, the objects that are impelling by themselves. Each motive is an object, material or ideal, that satisfies a need.
Actions are the processes functionally subordinated to activities; they are directed at specific conscious goals.
Actions are realized through operations that are determined by the actual conditions of activity.
區分活動的 動機、目標、狀況是重要的。在真實情境中,人們會受到狀況條件的變動,而調整他們的行為以滿足目標,當目標受到破壞,為滿足動機會設定新的目標並展開新的行動。當動機被摧毀,那麼人將飽受挫折且行為將不可預測。活動架構對預測人類活動是重要的。
4. 內化與外化 [心智源於外在活動的內化,並透過外化活動修正與調整] (Vygotsky 1978)
describes the mechanisms underlying the originating of mental processes. It states that mental processes are derived from external actions through the course of internalization.
The concept of internalization was also introduced by Piaget, but the meaning of this concept within activity theory is somewhat different. According to Vygotsky (1978), internalization is social by its very nature. The range of actions that can be performed by a person in cooperation with others comprises the so-called ``zone of proximal development. In other words, the way human beings acquire new abilities can be characterized as ``from inter-subjective mental actions to intra-subjective ones.
The opposite process of internalization is externalization. Mental processes manifest themselves in external actions performed by a person, so they can be verified and corrected, if necessary.
5. 中介,工具媒介性。[人類活動,是透過工具媒介活動作用的對象] \ Mediation
Human activity is mediated by a number of tools, both external (like a hammer or scissors) and internal (like concepts or heuristics).
These tools specify their modes of operation, that is, those developed over the history of society.
The use of these culture-specific tools shapes the way people act and, through the process of internalization, greatly influences the nature of mental development.
工具,因此承載了文化知識與社會經驗。工具媒介(tool mediation)([因為工具本身承載了知識與經驗])不亞於正規教育,也是重要的社會化來源。
Tools are thus the carriers of cultural knowledge and social experience. Tool mediation is no less an important source of socialization than formal education is.
The mechanism underlying tool mediation is the formation of functional organs, the combination of natural human abilities with the capacities of external components—tools—to perform a new function or to perform an existing one more efficiently. For example, human eyes equipped with glasses compose a functional organ that provides better vision.
6. 發展 [需透過歷史性的探究,才可能徹底了解一現象]
According to activity theory, to understand a phenomenon means to know how it developed into its existing form.
The principle of development gives an opportunity to conduct thorough, scientific analysis of complex phenomena while avoiding mechanistic oversimplifications.