Seymour Lubetzky


張慧銖(2003)。圖書館目錄發展研究。台北:文華圖書管理。 頁131-167

the objective of bibliography

Cutter's list of objectives is likely the most cited text in the bibliographic literature. These objectives stood respected and unchallenged for seventy five years until 1960, when they were revised by Lubetzky to bring to the fore the distinction between the work and the book (a distinction implicit in Cutter's choice objective) and to affirm the primacy of information content as a classifying attribute. In Lubetzky's revision, these objectives read as follows:
first, to facilitate the location of a particular publication, i.e., of a particular edition of a work, which is in the library. Second, to relate and bring together the editions which a library has of a given work and the works which it has of a given author.

Lubetzky's objectives, modified slightly to mention search criteria, were formally adopted at a Conference on Cataloging Principles held in Paris in 1961. That modified version reads:

目錄應有助於確定\\The catalogue should be an efficient instrument for ascertaining:

1. 有沒有特定的書 | whether the library contains a particular book specified by (a) its author and title, or (b) if the author is not named in the book, its title alone, or © 如果作者與題名不適切或缺無,提供適當的替代品 | if author and title are inappropriate or insufficient for identification, a suitable substitute for the title; and 2. (a) 特定作者的作品 | which works by a particular author and (b) 館內有特定作品的哪個版本 | which editions of a particular work are in the library.

– Svenonius, E. (2000). The intellectual foundation of information organization. pp.16

Lubetzky所提出目錄的兩個目的,可分別稱為單件目的(item objective)與作品目的(work objective)。前者是在描述與辨識具象的實體;而後者則是在進行作品的控制,其中作品目的並未在現今的目錄中實現。

– 張慧銖(2002)從作品與書目關係探討圖書館目錄之目的。中國圖書館學會會報。69期,頁155-17。