George Herbert Mead / 米德 (1863 – 1931)
美國哲學、社會學、心理學家。受實用主義 (pragmatism)影響。被認為是社會心理學(social psychology)的奠基者之一。符號互動論(Symbolic interactionism)的創始人之一。
* 人與人的互動關係,所建構的意義網絡,就是一個人的社會經驗。
結合William James的自我分類中的「意識自我」與「社會自我」與Charles Cooley的「鏡中自我」。
which is one of the main concepts Mead proposes for understanding the emergence of the (social) self in human beings. “The generalized other” can be understood as the general norm within a social group or setting. Through understanding “the generalized other” the individual understands what kind of behaviour is expected, appropriate and so on, in different social settings. The family, the baseball team, school, and society are examples of social settings through which the child develops gradual understanding of norms for behaviour. Mead distinguishes between the “I” and the “me.” The “me” is the accumulated understanding of “the generalized other” i.e. norms, unconscious opinions, patterns of social response etc. The “I” is the more personal opinions, the reflecter or observer, the social struggler – it is what creates the individual's individuality. It is important when reading Mead to remember that he sees the human mind as something that can arise solely through social experience. The thinking process, for instance, is for Mead nothing but internalized communication. (George Herbert Mead)