== Connecting the dots of user experience / Brunoni (2009)== **Citation** - Brunoni, G. (2009). Connecting the Dots of User Experience. Journal of Information Architecture, 1(1), 6-15. **Keyword** - [[:User experience design]], ==Abstract== * 背景/動機: * 假定: * 方法:個案研究 * 資料: * 發現: 本文討論在網絡中分散服務與應用-- 這種使用者能夠自由啟用系統元件的環境下-- 的使用經驗分析與設計。\\ This paper discusses the analysis and design of user experience within networks made of distributed services and applications, where a user freely activates system components through an activity-driven process. 以個案研究描繪這種狀況的特色,並介紹一種建立使用者經驗模型與設計的工具。基於此模型之應用,作者討論如何調整設計歷程。\\ A case study is used to outline the main characteristics of this scenario and to introduce a tool for user experience modeling and design. Based on the application of this model, I discuss how the design process might be re-imagined. == Content == ===現在的數位環境=== 回顧數位經驗的演進,我們發現遍佈且多重管道互動系統的重要性正在增長。在許多不同的脈絡與情境中被使用的相互連結設備與使用者介面,形塑了我們的使用者經驗。 \\ Looking over the latest evolutions of the digital experience, we can observe the growing importance of pervasive and multichannel interactive systems. The user experience takes shape on many interconnected devices and through various interfaces and networks used in many different context and situations. (p.6) 使用者會結合越來越多的不同應用程式與工具,在廣闊與模糊的互動資訊生態系統中,完成他們的目標;而技術因子則混合在行為與意圖之中。使用者經驗自身成為這種多樣系統中元件的非線性、偶發性結合結果。\\ To achieve their goals through the interaction flows, users tend to combine an increasing number of different applications and tools within wide and fuzzy ecosystems, where technical factors blend in with behaviour and intention. The user experience itself is the result of a non-linear and occasional combination of various systems’ fragments and components, which are activated and connected by users from case to case, following their goals and intentions in specific times, situations and contexts. (p.6) 到了今天,在不同的脈絡,以不同的設備,在不同的網絡中,所有的資料、內容、功能與服務都變得更加的開放、可混搭、可取用。展望未來,這種自由應會更進一步。Mark Weiser 在1988所說的「無所不在的運算」,已經成為現實了:一個使用者,許多個電腦。使用經驗將在各種裝置、系統間無縫地流動。 \\ Today data, content, features and services tends to be increasingly open, mashable and accessible from many different contexts, with many different devices and networks. Looking towards the future, this freedom is supposed to increase further. The ubiquitous computing scenario, outlined by Mark Weiser in 1988, is becoming reality: one user, many computers. The experience will flow seamlessly through various systems made by many different distributed information-processing devices (Weiser 1988).(p.7) 所有的使用者經驗,都是源自於系統內分散且相互連結的工具、應用與頻道。 \\ ... [T]hat the user experience is always based on a system of connected and distributed tools, applications and channels. (p.8) 數位科技環境的特徵 * 科技機械設備的解構 DECONSTRUCTING THE MACHINE * 內容與媒體分離 CONTENT IS SPLITTING OFF FROM MEDIA * 由科技機器設備到科技工具生態系統 FROM THE MACHINE TO THE SYSTEM 以數位攝影為例,來看看何謂數位攝影的科技工具生態系統 (MAPPING THE SYSTEM: THE DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY EXAMPLE) ===互動此一概念的定義應該改寫=== 「互動」此一概念的定義應該被改寫。根據行動中心取向,[互動]的焦點不應該繼續關注於特定任務的優化上,而應該是考慮使用者在特定情境中完成目標,所能採取的多種行動。 the concept of [[:interaction]] should be revised. Following the activity centred approach, the focus is no longer on the optimization of a specific task, but on the set of the multiple actions available for the user to achieve an objective in a specific situation (Gay, Hembrooke, 2004). ===Tool:Matrix=== * 縱軸:Touch-points, devices, 接觸點、設備、應用程式 * 橫軸:Actions, intentions, 行動、意圖 * 矩陣中的交叉點:使用情境 * 交叉點的連結:使用歷程(flow) == Note == == Metadata/Backlinks == {{backlinks>.}} {{tag>UXD}} **file link** - [[google.s>brunoni g. 2009 . connecting the dots of user experience|Google Schloar]], [[xxcfile>brunoni g. 2009 . connecting the dots of user experience|XXC]]