==Jul-12== * Reading [[people:George_Kelly]]: * Burr, V.、Butt, T.(1997)。個人建構心理學入門:解讀你的心靈(許慧玲譯)。台北市:心理。 * Fransella, F.(2001)。凱利:個人建構理論創始人(廖世德譯)。臺北市:生命潛能文化。 * 原本只是要了解「個人建構理論」的概念,看看是否與索引編製或是書寫理論有關。如「概念」與「構念」的探討。我一開始讀Fransella那本,其中強調K不希望大家只注重他提供的研究方法,不過那時我還不清楚那是什麼,就跳過了。Burr & Butt 那本,除了理論基礎的部分以外,後面有介紹建構研究的資料收集方法,這時才看到repertory grid 之類的技術。之後又上網找了一些相關的資料。根據這兩本書所說,K本身運用這些方法的時候相當倚重同時進行的質性訪談資料,但是我所看到網路上的一些軟體工具,repertory grid 變成一種探究個人靜態知識結構,或稱知識擷取的工具([] [http://web.nutn.edu.tw/el/gjhwang/AI-chap3.pps] [])。這是否可能作為另一種研究設計的方向 * 如:透過 repertory grid 技術探究受測者索引編製前與編製後,對象作品的知識結構差異?或是比較不同學科背景或不同主題熟悉度的受測者的編製前後知識結構差異?這是個人知識增長的命題。另一個原本探討的社會性因素在這個命題下有什麼關係?如,現存文件與社會語義空間,在這其中的影響?或是多人互相溝通的影響? ==Jul-13== * 比較同類型書籍(相同主題教科書)在中文與英文書中,索引詞類(專名、通名)的比例 * 專名,摹狀詞理論、限定摹狀詞 * 參考團體(reference group):頁170 * Argyle, M.(1996)。社會行為之科學研究(The scientific study of social behaviour)(陸洛譯)。台北市:巨流。 * McColvin, L. R. (1958). The purpose of indexing. Indexer, 1(2), 31-35. * Law, M. D. (1970). [[study:law_m_d_1970_introduction_to_book_indexing|Introduction to book indexing]]. Indexer, 7(2), 46-48. ==== 科學方法 ==== > 研究行為科學的前科學(pre-scientific)方法通常是觀察特定的事件或社會團體,並用參與者的意識過程來解釋所發生的事情。科學的方法首先就包含了對一些可測量變項間的關係建立實徵上的普遍性,這就需要應用精確的測量方法,研究幾個案件,並通過比較來推演普遍性,還要用統計檢驗來表明研究結果非因機遇而產生。解釋社會行為的第一階段就是要顯示某種社會行為是上述一種或多種普遍性所導致的實例,而且可以通過先前變項的知識來預測。解釋的第二階段包含了從一系列的假定中推演出普遍性,而從中又能引申出可檢驗的預測。((頁11-12)) ==== 社會行為研究的發現 ==== - 分類的發現:將一組現象分成某些類型,而這些類型很容易區辨。 - 測量工具的發展:發展量表。 - 建立實徵的普遍性(empirical generalization):模式 - 發展理論來解釋以建立的普遍性:理論 ==== 參考團體 ==== > 團體是參考團體(reference group)的程度是規範形成的一個重要決定因素。凱里(Kelley, H. H., 1952)區辨出兩種「參考團體」的意涵。首先,一個參考團體是個人願意服從並可對個人予以懲罰的團體。其次,參考團體是個人為了自我知覺的目的而來充當判準的團體。(頁170) == Jul-14 == * Cassell, G., & Symon, G. (Eds.). (1994). Qualitative methods in organizational research: A practical guide. London: Sage. * Qualitative research in work contexts * The qualitative research interview * The twenty statements test * Question-asking and verbal protocol techniques * [[:Repertory Grid Technique]] in constrctive interaction * Discourse analysis in an occupational context * Participant observation * Croup methods of organizational analysis * The analysis of company documentation * Tracer studies * Stakeholder analysis * Case studies in organizational research * Intervention techniques * 論自然與語言:杭士基語言學講演錄 ==== 可用repertory grid ==== * 書後索引:分類、特性 * 書後索引編製:工作、特性 * 編製工作 --> 角色 (laddering) == Jul-15 == * [[:Repertory Grid Technique]] in constrctive interaction ==== 可用repertory grid 2 ==== * 書後索引:分類、特性 * 編製者觀點 * 使用者觀點 * 書後索引編製:工作、特性 * 書後索引編製:參考資源、特性 * 書後索引編製:角色、特性 (以個案基礎 ?)(laddering) == Jul-16 == * 洪業論學集 * 白虎通引得序(1931) * 儀禮引得序(1932) * 四庫全書總目即未收書目引得序(1932) * 春秋經傳引得序(1937) * 杜詩引得序(1940) * [[:Repertory Grid Technique]] in constrctive interaction == Jul-17 == * [[:Repertory Grid Technique]] in constrctive interaction == Jul-18 == * Beail, N. (Ed.). (1985). Repertory grid technique and personal constructs: Applications in clinical & educational settings. London: Croom Helm. * Beail, N. (1985). An introduction to repertory grid technique. In N. Beail (Ed.), Repertory grid technnique and personal constructs: Applications in clinical & educational settings (pp. 1-24). London: Croom Helm. == Jul-19 == * Beail, N. (Ed.). (1985). Repertory grid technique and personal constructs: Applications in clinical & educational settings. London: Croom Helm. * [[study:Butler, R. J. (1985). Toward an understanding of childhood difficulties|Butler, R. J. (1985). Toward an understanding of childhood difficulties.]] In N. Beail (Ed.), Repertory grid technnique and personal constructs: Applications in clinical & educational settings (pp. 27-46). London: Croom Helm. * [[study:Stanley, B. (1985). Alienation in young offenders|Stanley, B. (1985). Alienation in young offenders.]] In N. Beail (Ed.), Repertory grid technnique and personal constructs: Applications in clinical & educational settings (pp. 47-60). London: Croom Helm. == Jul-20 == * Beail, N. (Ed.). (1985). Repertory grid technique and personal constructs: Applications in clinical & educational settings. London: Croom Helm. * [[study:Honess, T. (1985). Repertory grids and the psychological case study|Honess, T. (1985). Repertory grids and the psychological case study.]] In N. Beail (Ed.), Repertory grid technnique and personal constructs: Applications in clinical & educational settings (pp. 243-255). London: Croom Helm. == Jul-21 == * [[study:Parsons, J. M., Graham, N., & Honess, T. (1983). A teacher's implicit model of how children learn|Parsons, J. M., Graham, N., & Honess, T. (1983). A teacher's implicit model of how children learn.]] British Educational Research Journal, 9(1), 91-101. == Jul-24 == * [[study:Parsons, J. M., Graham, N., & Honess, T. (1983). A teacher's implicit model of how children learn|Parsons, J. M., Graham, N., & Honess, T. (1983). A teacher's implicit model of how children learn.]] British Educational Research Journal, 9(1), 91-101. * [[study:Honess, T. (1985). Repertory grids and the psychological case study|Honess, T. (1985). Repertory grids and the psychological case study.]] In N. Beail (Ed.), Repertory grid technnique and personal constructs: Applications in clinical & educational settings (pp. 243-255). London: Croom Helm. * [[study:Yorke, D. M. (1985). Administration, analysis and assumption-- Some aspects of validity|Yorke, D. M. (1985). Administration, analysis and assumption: Some aspects of validity.]] In N. Beail (Ed.), Repertory grid technnique and personal constructs: Applications in clinical & educational settings (pp. 383-398). London: Croom Helm. == Jul-25 == * [[study:Yorke, D. M. (1985). Administration, analysis and assumption-- Some aspects of validity|Yorke, D. M. (1985). Administration, analysis and assumption: Some aspects of validity.]] In N. Beail (Ed.), Repertory grid technnique and personal constructs: Applications in clinical & educational settings (pp. 383-398). London: Croom Helm. == Jul-27 == * [[:Repertory Grid Technique]] * [[study:林頌堅. (2003). 主題分析|林頌堅. (2003). 基於詞語抽取的圖書與資訊學刊研究主題分析]]. 圖書與資訊學刊(47), 15-35. * 轉移: [[study:Hjorland, B., & Albrechtsen, H. (1995). Toward a new horizon in information science|Hjorland, B., & Albrechtsen, H. (1995). Toward a new horizon in information science: Domain-analysis.]] Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 46(6), 400-425. * 轉移:[[:domain analysis]] == Jul-28 == * [[software:REP IV]] * [[:PrinGrid]] * [[:General linear model]] * [[study:FOCUS clustering analysis]] * [[:principle components analysis]] == Jul-29 == * [[:principle components analysis]]