==Stefan Sagmeister== Stefan Sagmeister,奧地利裔美籍設計師。創辦主持紐約 Sagmeister Inc. 。 School of Visual Art, The Cooper Union School of Art 任教。 * 為 Aerosmith、The Guggenheim 博物館、HBO電視台、the Rolling Stones及Time Warner等多家著名公司設計品牌、圖像及包裝等。其公司的作品曾於世界各地,包括蘇黎世、維也納、紐約、柏林、東京、大阪、布拉格、科隆和首爾展出。 * 作品充分流露其幽默的性格及對簡約主義的追求。 ==21 things he learned== * Helping other people helps me * Having guts always works out for me * Thinking life will be better in the future is stupid. I have to live now. * Starting a charity is surprisingly easy. * Being not truthful works against me. * Everything I do always comes back to me. * Assuming is stifling. * Drugs feel great in the beginning and become a drag later on. * Over time I get used to everything and start taking for granted. * Money does not make me happy. * Traveling alone is helpful for a new perspective on life. * Keeping a diary supports personal development. * Trying to look good limits my life. * Material luxuries are best enjoyed in small doses. * Worrying solves nothing. * Complaining is silly. Either act or forget. * Actually doing the things I set out to do increases my overall level of satisfaction. * Everybody thinks they are right. * Low expectations are a good strategy. * Whatever I want to explore professionally, its best to try it out for myself first. * Everybody who is honest is interesting. ==More== * Stefan Sagmeister on what he has learned http://www.ted.com/talks/stefan_sagmeister_on_what_he_has_learned.html * 《藝術與設計》2005/7月 《平面設計的終極關懷——專訪施德明》 * http://www.tedtochina.com/2009/01/16/stefan_sagmeister_things_i_learn_in_life/