== pathetic dot theory Pathetic dot theory, 或稱為新芝加哥學派理論, 由[[:people:Lawrence Lessig]]1998所提出,隨著 1999年的書 Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace 出版而廣為人知。PDT是一種關於制度化的社會經濟學理論,探討人類行為受到四種力量管控:法律、社會規範、市場、架構。\\ The pathetic dot theory or the New Chicago School theory was introduced by Lawrence Lessig in a 1998 article and popularized in his 1999 book, Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace. It is a socioeconomic theory of regulation. It discusses how lives of individuals (the pathetic dots in questions) are regulated by four forces: the law, social norms, the market, and architecture (technical infrastructure).((http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pathetic_dot_theory)) Lessing 認為一個人的行為受到四種外力限制: * 架構(architecture, technical infrastructure):環境先天的限制,如受物理上的原理原則。 * 道德規範(social norms):倫理道德,依不同民族、不同文化而有異同。 * 法律(law):透過立法機關所定之法,與道德規範不同之處,乃在於違反時,有權力強制介入給予懲罰。 * 市場(market):根據理性權衡的交易機制。 == Note == Metadata/Backlinks {{backlinks>.}} {{tag>}}