== Embeddedness [鑲嵌] * Domain: 是[[:Economic sociology|經濟社會學(Economic sociology)]]的概念 * Definition: ** 「經濟的行動、結果與制度會受到行動者的個人關係(personal relations),以及整個關係網絡的結構所影響(affected)」,並把這兩者分別稱為鑲嵌之關係的面向與結構的面向。(Granovetter, 1990:98((轉引自,湯志傑(2009)。新經濟社會學的歷史考察:以鑲嵌的問題史為主軸(上)。政治與社會哲學評論(29)。))) ** > 鑲嵌的論點意指,「行為與制度會受到持續進行中的社會關係所限制」(湯志傑, 2009:157(([[:study:湯志傑._2009_._新經濟社會學的歷史考察|湯志傑(2009)。新經濟社會學的歷史考察:以鑲嵌的問題史為主軸]](上)。政治與社會哲學評論(29)。))) * Related Person: ** 卡爾·博蘭尼([[:people:Karl Polanyi]]) ** 馬克·格蘭諾維特([[:people:Mark Granovetter]]) ** [[:people:Robert Putnam]] ** 沙朗·佐金([[:people:S. Zukin]]) ** 保羅·迪馬喬([[:people:Paul DiMaggio]]) * Background situation: ** 對唯理性化經濟行為的反思 === 四種鑲嵌 (沙朗·佐金跟保羅·迪馬喬): * 認知鑲嵌 * 文化鑲嵌 * 結構鑲嵌 * 政治鑲嵌 == Note == To read * [[:study:Smelser, N. J., & Swedberg, R. (1994). The Sociological Perspective on the Economy]]. In N. J. Smelser & R. Swedberg (Eds.), The Handbook of Economic Sociology (pp. 3-26). Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. * [[:study:Polanyi, K. (1957). The economy as instituted process]]. In K. Polanyi, C. Arensberg & H. Pearson (Eds.), Trade and market in the early empires (pp. 243-270). Glencoe, IL: Free Press. * [[:study:Granovetter, M. (1985). Economic Action and Social Structure]]: The Problem of Embeddedness. The American Journal of Sociology, 91(3), 481-510. * [[:study:Krippner, G. R. (2002). The elusive market]]: Embeddedness and the paradigm of economic sociology. Theory and Society, 30(6), 775-810. (以上二篇文章可以在下列兩本書找到:Economic Sociology, edited by Richard Swedberg. Cheltenham, Glos, UK, 1996;或 The Sociology of Economic Life, edited by Mark Granovetter and Richard Swedberg. Boulder: Westview Press. 1992) * [[:study:湯志傑. (2009). 新經濟社會學的歷史考察]] == Metadata/Backlinks {{backlinks>.}} {{tag>}}